Wednesday, September 9, 2009

I am in Los Angeles now and I plan on being here until I make enough money to leave for a long time. It is very surprising to me that I don't feel the least bit sad or dissatisfied. I also don't long for anyone or anything. Again, my life is running its course with me being the patient observer. I had my first day at work today, which came together very casually. I will assist my mother's friend with her architectural practice and maybe learn some AutoCAD along the way. I also met the man that i will help write a short book (an essay really) about the Hungarian inflation in WWII. He was incerdible. It felt like a Miranda July story about young girls falling in love with dark energies or 85 year-old fencers (the sport). He spoke quickly and clearly with a moderate accent. His hair was snow white and so was his full-body fencing suit. We leafed through his collection of coins and Hungarian currency which was organized with meticulous precision. I also have become the 10 year-old swimming version of me. Again, i can spend hours in the pool...doing laps, diving, floating, anything and everything.

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